Friday, 29 September 2017

Methodology - Media and Violence


Secondary Research
I conducted my secondary research by using a variety of different websites via the internet to collect and gather information for the study of Media and Violence that I have produced. Firstly, when I looked on google scholar I found out that there were a range of media product that could possible cause violence in people. There were also a genre’s which correlate to the violence not just the whole media product which causes violence. These genres were for Film/TV horror and thriller, for video games shooter games and for music the genres were Hip-hop/rap and Drill music. I found a theory which said Violent video games more harmful than violent TV Studies recognize the difference between watching violent TV and movies and playing violent video games, because watching TV or movies is more passive, teens are not actively taking part in scenes of violence. When it comes to video games, however, the story changes. Many video games encourage violent acts, and the teen is usually rewarded for them with extra points and abilities. The reference links for that I found this link on google scholar. I also found out that according to Sky News Social media is effecting young people to be involved with gangs and violence. Here is the link to the video that I found on the subject:

Primary Research
For my primary research I will start of first by conducting a survey on survey monkey. The reason for this is to gain a rough idea of what the majority of people associate with media and violence. I will aim this survey mainly at teenagers who Use social media, because I want to get an idea of the psychology of what teenagers think when they are using their devices for social media. I will make sure the survey is given to both boys and girls to see if there are any trends which can prove that There is a relationship between social media and violence. For my primary research, I will also take an observation of a younger sibling playing PS4 Console games. The reason for this is because my age range that I am going to test is between 7 – 18 years old, so I need to also study the psychology of children and a new stimulus of video games because they are one of the key mediums which theorists and researchers claim to be cause of violence. The game that I would get my younger sibling to play is GTA because the whole objective of the game is to complete heists and kill people.

I Will then conduct and experiment on my younger sibling after with a different game but this time put a provocative item in the room to see how they react when they are stressed out with the game. The game i will get them to play is Naruto on PS4.

Secondary Research - Media and Violence

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Millennials Presentations Evaluation

-               Millennials Presentation

As a group of 4 we were allocated to collect a minimum of 1 primary and 2 different secondary pieces of information to formulate a presentation to either approve or disapprove the following statement: “Due to Social media there are no Sub-culture or group identity for millennial’s.” To which as a group we decided to disapprove.

Overall, I believe that the majority of our investigation was successful because we all started off by collecting our research on sub culture as a group because that was the word that our group weren’t entirely sure on what it meant. Once we got to grips with the word sub-culture, then conducted our own individual secondary research so as a group we could understand about millennial’s; What they were, what were their behaviours, what are their morals and values. These were just some of the questions I personally though about when I read the hypothesis. We then split up the research, so that it was easier to manage two of us conducted Primary and the other two of us conducted extensive academic secondary research.

I was in charge of the Primary research and some of the methodology to collect information about social media habits. With my primary research, I was able to collect firstly quantitative data, by doing a survey using the website survey monkey. I was able to get 36 people to answer my survey which is a positive. The benefits of this that more people are likely to tell the truth because of that fact that It is an anonymous result so people who answer won’t feel embarrassed. Secondly qualitative data, as I held an interview with two millennials. The benefits of this is that I can get an insight and depth into how they feel and what they think towards social media. Through the results of my survey I demonstrated my ability of critical thinking by using what was the dominant answer and asking myself questions as to why these results were these, and then doing more secondary research to come to conclusions on the questions I raised to myself.

I believe that what we could have improved on as a group more is communication with our secondary research and primary research, because I was the one who constructed the PowerPoint with all the information and I didn’t know what all of it meant. Also with my survey results, their answers could come into question because of the age range of the people who completed it was between 15 – 21 years old. So, the other millennials aged 22 – 35 years old didn’t have their opinion.

2. Have you targeted and investigated the relevant groups - subcultures, Millennials?

I believe in the sense of targeting millennial's I have not been completely successful because I was able to gain man results from millennials ranging from the ages of 15-21 years old which is useful to an extent, however I didn't get the information of millennials ages 22-36 years old as they are still millennials and their opinions are just as valid as the other younger millennials aged 15-21 years old that I ended up interviewing. However with the in the case of my subculture investigation, that wasn't successful because the majority of people who I asked weren't in any type of subculture, so this meant that the results of my survey were already determined before I gathered all the results.

4. Were your questions specific or clear enough to explain or breakdown what a Subculture is in order to gather the right information

My questions in my survey I feel were very weak compared to my questions aimed at millennials. I only had vague questions, which didn't prove much about subculture. The types of questions I asked were what sort of social media accounts they like and what sort of music they are into. The reason for this is because each product has a specific target audience in which the user of a specific subculture to dominantly use.

7. How well did you analyse the data you collected? Did you find any correlations or cause and effect in your findings?

I believe for the question of was "How often do you use social media per day?" here is where I looked at the results and analysed possible motives towards why they chose that specific choice. This raised a few question as to how these young people who were still in education were able to spend so much time social media and commit to studying. So I went on google and the questions i found out some statistics of students that uses their devices in educational institution. Another question that it raise was were they allowed to use their devises in their institutions and the extent of which they would go just to use their devices instead of talking to people around them. I thought that these questions were all relevant in answering a small part of the statement in general.

8. Does your research actually provide solid evidence of your conclusion?

I do not believe that my research actually gave solid evidence for my conclusion. The reason for this is that is because the secondary research i found wasn't proof checked on wether it was a reliable or valid source or not. This would have meant that my statistics I used to prove initial thought and conclusion on the statement and to be invalid. 

Millennials Presentation