Thursday, 3 May 2018

Question 1

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data 
  1. Introduction – an overview of your  understanding of the significance of the topic 

  • The article is saying that overall the superhero genre is popular with both the film and TV sector and that superhero films are representing our society badly.
  • CGI and technology how has that gotten people into the cinema. 
  • The representations of Women in superhero films has been a huge controversy ever since the comic books initial releases.  
=Comic books would female characters over sexualised 
=Mainstream protagonist wonder woman as her lack lustred superhero costume is shown to be very revealing. 
  • The biggest audience watching superhero films age 45-54 not expected as superhero films aimed at young male children.  
  • Even split male and females who go to watch these super hero films at the cinema. 
  • Superhero fatigue may set in an overload of the superhero genre films pushed out into the market. 
  • Huge successgrowing trend for superhero films on big screen. 
has not translated on other media platforms. 

  1. What are the Conclusions made of the article [executive summary] and what connections are there to theories (Audience) and debates (Technology positive or negative impact) 
Superhero Fatigue - will trend fall bar the up and coming films announced in article? - black Panther, Avengers infinity war 

  • Superhero's have had a recent increase in popularity within film and TV.  
they offer CGI and special effects. Increased budgets for the television shows could be the reason for the increase in the popularity of superheroes in films being matched by their popularity on television. Uses and gratifications - escapism - visual effects are attractive.

  • Superhero fatiguethe trend of superhero films being popular from will die out after 2016 
Anticipated big budget films: Spiderman home coming, guardians of the galaxy volume 2, Justice league and wonder woman 

  • Superhero films on television despite the increased popularity of superhero's in film and TV it does not extend to any other media sectors.  
other sectors such as Digital video games and comic books don't allow for the same shared experience? 

  • Non-stop violence, where men exploit women, flaunt bling and convey their man hood with high powered guns. 
superhero's Influencing children to follow bad role models. 
Effects model - How has media had a negative impact on society

  • Women in superhero films are hypersexualised and shown to be perfect with their voluptuous figures, which can impact belief about gender roles body esteem and self-objectification. 
  • =Effects model - How has media had a negative impact on society - women view themselves negatively.

  1. Analyse & Evaluate the research methodology used – surveys? Interviews?  
How suitable are the tools they chose? 
Are they collecting the right data to support these findings?  

  • Article is very negative superhero films.  
  • They have used a sourced interview.  
Interviews useful for gaining deeper understanding of beliefs and motives.  

The article looked at: News websites, Academic websites and audience research board statistics - Barb & BFI.
They didn't use actual figures they found from the Netflix show daredevil. They used estimations of statistics from US figures to collate UK figures.
=Raises questions as to reliability of statistics used.

  • Many graphsstatistics used to convince. 
  • Makes the article easier to interpret.

  1. Which Qualitative AND Quantitative data is presented in the findings and how balanced is it?  

  • Huge imbalance in the quantitative and qualitative data that they have collected.  
  •  significantly more quantitative data that qualitative data presented in the article.  
= pages 1 – 10 contain many amounts of graphs and numeric values such as percentages.  

  • End of page 10 and the whole of page 11 incorporated a range of qualitative data// quotes from interviews.  
  • Lack of qualitative data article will not provide additional points of view from people or writers.  

  • Article has presented interviews through quotes
  • =Directs 

  • Many graphsstatistics used to convince. 
  • Makes the article easier to interpret.

  1. How Trustworthy is the qualitative compared to the quantitative? 
Is it valid or reliable? 
Is there any bias? 

The work carried out by Dr.Fredric Wetham is very bias in terms of using valid and factual information in his report.  
  • Many flaws in his research.  
  • The date of the seduction of the innocent publication released  
=does not have relevance with the superheroes on screens of today - have changed since 1954.  
  • Overall figure would not be a trustworthy researcher. 

Sharon lamb phD is a valid researcher meaning she does do this as a profession 
  • Has educational degrees 
  • Comment about wonder woman being hypersexualised adds own personal bias - Negative 

American Psychological Association  
  • They are an organisation 

  • About Aims: 
=Encouraging the development and application of psychology in the broadest manner. 
=Promoting research in psychology, the improvement of research methods and conditions and the application of research findings. 
=Improving the qualifications and usefulness of psychologists by establishing high standards of ethics, conduct, education and achievement. 
=Increasing and disseminating psychological knowledge through meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications. ‘Homosexuality’ was removed from the DSM list of disorders in 1973 as a result of homosexual activist coercion, bullying, and threats, and not based on any scientifically objective decisions. 
  • There is a bias with their research with sexuality. 
  • Can't be entirely trusted. 

Scientific American  

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